Adapting your team to environmental changes
1 day

Concept description

The experiential training "Adapting to Environmental Change" helps participants understand and make use of environmental changes, their effects, and even the reactions of others to these external or internal forces. Whether the changes are small or substantial, it is desirable for employees to develop their ability to understand, cope with and use these changes for their own and the company's benefit.

All these concepts and more will be applied in the simulation which involves the creation of daring groups that set off on an expedition to extract as much gold as possible. Every day a new situation and a new uncharted area awaits them. Each team has its own route and its own results!

No. of participants



1 day



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- Understanding and adapting to environmental conditions;

- Developing decision-making in an environment of change;

- Establishing team strategies and putting them into practice;

- Stimulating strategic thinking;

- Improving the communication process;


- English

- Romana

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