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For questions or concerns, please contact us.

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Our address

6 Denta Street,
Sector 6, Bucharest, Romania

Email address

Response time is max. 24h.

From 09.00 to 17.00.

0733 678 115

Frequently asked questions

Have a look at most frequently asked questions.

What influences the cost of a teambuilding?

Good question! The cost is influenced by the duration of the activities, their typology and the level of personalisation.

Can teambuilding concepts be customised?

Custom is our middle name. Ecoxtrem has the ability to customize an event 100%, from activities, to concept, to design and copywriting.

Can Ecoxtrem also help us with transport and accommodation?

Of course! Ecoxtrem has its own integrated travel agency, with Tourism License no. 1856/09.05.2019, Tourism Patent no. 15923/16.12.2014 and Insurance Policy, series I, no 57791, 10.07.2023-09.07.2024.

Can Ecoxtrem also organise a party?

Sure thing! Ecoxtrem has an integrated Corporate Events department with expertise from VIP events, marketing activations and conferences to parties of 1000+ attendees.

What services does Ecoxtrem offer?

Ecoxtrem Agency is the unique partner for Teambuilding, Travel, Events and Experiential Training services. All these can be accessed
through a single point of contact.